default Diesel");
$HELP['LENGHT'] = array("Defines length of this vehicle.", "length
default 8");
$HELP['PAYLOAD'] = array("Defines capacity of this vehicle.", "payload");
$HELP['FREIGHT'] = array("Defines payload of this vehicle.", "freight");
$HELP['COST'] = array("Definiert den Kaufpreis des Fahrzeuges in 1/100 Credit.", "cost");
$HELP['RUNNINGCOST'] = array("Defines runningcosts of this vehicle.", "runningcost");
$HELP['WEIGHT'] = array("Defines weight without any goods loaded.", "weight");
$HELP['POWER'] = array("Defines power of this vehicle in kilowatts.", "power");
$HELP['GEAR'] = array("Defines Power of this vehicle. This can be necessary if a vehicle is too slow/fast ingame.", "gear");
$HELP['SPEED'] = array("Defines max. Speed of this vehicle in km/h", "speed");
$HELP['SMOKE'] = array("Defines the emission type ( Smoke etc. ) of this vehicle.", "smoke");
$HELP['SOUND'] = array("Defines start-sound.", "sound");
$HELP['FREIGHTIMAGE'] = array("Choose whether there is a graphic for this vehicle with payload.", "");
$HELP['VEHICLEIMAGES'] = array("Choose whether this vehicle has got 4 or 8 views.", "");
$HELP_OBJECTNAME = array("Name of the Object", "name");
$HELP_AUTORNAME = array("Name of the creator", "copyright");
$HELP_DIMS = array("Dimensions of the building", "Dims");
$HELP_DIMS_X = array("Number of tiles in east/west direction", "Dims");
$HELP_DIMS_Y = array("Number of tiles in north/south direction", "Dims");
$HELP_AUSRICHTUNGEN = array("Number of rotations", "Dims");
$HELP_INTRO = array("Year and Months of introduction", "intro_year / intro_month
default 01.1900");
$HELP_RETIRE = array("Year and Months of retirement", "retire_year / retire_month
default 01.2999");
$HELP_LEVEL = array("number of passengers per tile", "level");
$HELP_CHANCE = array("cance of this object beeing built, higher value means more likely", "chance
default 100");
$HELP_NOINFO = array("show info-window when clicking on the object", "noinfo
default ja");
$HELP_NOCONST = array("show construction-site for this object", "noconstruction
default ja");
$HELP_NEEDSGROUND = array("the objects ground tile is completely filled", "needs_ground
default yes");
$HELP_CLIMA = array("Object will only be built in these climates", "climates");
$HELP_CITYBUILDINGTYPE = array("Defines whether the object is a residential,commercial or industrial building", "type");
$HELP_PLAYERBUILDINGTYPE = array("Defines, whether the player-building is a station, a port, a depot or an extension building", "type");
$HELP_WAYTYPE = array("defines the waytype for tis object", "waytype");
$HELP_WINTERGRAFIK = "does the object have a winter-graphic";
$HELP_HOEHE = "The Height (in tiles) of the building";
$HELP_MONUMENT = array("Defined the building as a monument.", "type");
$HELP_DISPRWEIGHT = array("Defines the relative frequency of the object. Higher values mean more frequent occur.", "DistributionWeight");
$HELP_BAUORT = "Placement Tourist attractions";
$HELP_BUILDTIME = array("Tourist attractions inside cities must be assigned a number of inhabitants. When passing this number the city considers building this attraction.", "build_time");
$HELP_METRIC = array("Defines the measurement units for the goods. If nothing is specified, the unit is piece.", "metric");
$HELP_CATG = array("Where the goods to a category of products.", "catg");
$HELP_VALUE = array("Defines the transport price per unit for a moving field. The specification is in 1/100 Credit.", "value");
$HELP_SPEEDBONUS = array("Percentage mark-up for quick transportation.", "speed_bonus");
$HELP_GOODWIGHT = array("Defines the weight of a unit of goods in kilograms.", "weight_per_unit");
$HELP_PAKSIZE = "the Pak-size is the same as the size of a single tile of the graphic
32 = 32 x 32 Pixels
64 = 64 x 64 Pixels
96 = 96 x 96 Pixels
128 = 128 x 128 Pixels
160 = 160 x 160 Pixels
192 = 192 x 192 Pixels
// Error message
$ERR_UPLOAD = "could not upload file
$ERR_FILESIZE = "File-size too big;
$ERR_FILEALPHA = "File with alpha channel
$ERR_FILETYPE = "no file selected/file is not a PNG
$ERR_BILDBREITE = array("Width of the graphic can't be divided by", "
$ERR_BILDHOEHE = array("Height of the graphic can't be divided by", "
// Homepage
$TEXT_MAIN = array();
$TEXT_MAIN[0] = "ATTENTION trial";
$TEXT_MAIN[1] = "This page is currently under development.";
//$TEXT_MAIN[] = "";
// Menu button page
$TEXT_BILDHINWEIS = "Button graphics may be used for all Graphic sets 64 x 64 pixels.";
// Wikilinks
$WIKI = array();
$WIKI['GRAFIKSETS'] = 'have a look at documentation of Graphic sets';
$WIKI['DAT_GOODS'] = 'for more detailed information see german Wiki
$WIKI['DAT_CITYBUILDING'] = 'for more detailed information see german Wiki
$WIKI['DAT_CURBUILDINGS'] = 'for more detailed information see german Wiki
$WIKI['DAT_MONUMENTS'] = 'for more detailed information see german Wiki
$WIKI['DAT_CITYCARS'] = 'for more detailed information see german Wiki
$WIKI['DAT_MENUBUTTON'] = 'for more detailed information see german Wiki
$WIKI['DAT_PEDISTRIAN'] = 'for more detailed information see german Wiki
$WIKI['DAT_VEHICLE'] = 'for more detailed information see german Wiki