18-12-2006, Monday-00:42:15
Nur die rechte Maustaste in der Karte geht noch nicht.
Neue Programme
Windows GDI (neu) (Benutzer von Win98/Me brauchen noch unicows.dll!)
Windows SDL (neu)
Linux SDL (neu)
BeOS Allegro (mein Compiler ist vorerst zu alt für neue Versionen)
Basis Pak64
64pak Version (neu)
makeobj 42 (Winterbilder für Wege - ungetestet)
Windows (neu)
Linux (neu)
Im Detail:
Release of 99.05.1
FIX: idle timer has eaten up all time doing additional frames
FIX: issue with transformers
FIX: crash in depot
FIX: off-by-one error which can lead to non-unique city names
FIX: DWITH in bdf-fonts was not used
FIX: check for allowing articifial slopes was brocken
FIX: loading signals
FIX: loading bridges
FIX: display in depot for left hand driving
CHANGE: depots now maintained in a list => underground and monorail depots are found again and shown in minimap
FIX: crash when building tramways
ADD: scrollbar for label frame (mip)
FIX: now frames per second direct setable (refresh was not the right way for slow computer) new parameter "-fps", "-refresh" is obsolete; you can also use frames_per_second in simuconf.tab
FIX: pillar of neighboring bridges now at the same positions
FIX: depot search could crash game when pressed twice very fast
Neue Programme
Windows GDI (neu) (Benutzer von Win98/Me brauchen noch unicows.dll!)
Windows SDL (neu)
Linux SDL (neu)
BeOS Allegro (mein Compiler ist vorerst zu alt für neue Versionen)
Basis Pak64
64pak Version (neu)
makeobj 42 (Winterbilder für Wege - ungetestet)
Windows (neu)
Linux (neu)
Im Detail:
Release of 99.05.1
FIX: idle timer has eaten up all time doing additional frames
FIX: issue with transformers
FIX: crash in depot
FIX: off-by-one error which can lead to non-unique city names
FIX: DWITH in bdf-fonts was not used
FIX: check for allowing articifial slopes was brocken
FIX: loading signals
FIX: loading bridges
FIX: display in depot for left hand driving
CHANGE: depots now maintained in a list => underground and monorail depots are found again and shown in minimap
FIX: crash when building tramways
ADD: scrollbar for label frame (mip)
FIX: now frames per second direct setable (refresh was not the right way for slow computer) new parameter "-fps", "-refresh" is obsolete; you can also use frames_per_second in simuconf.tab
FIX: pillar of neighboring bridges now at the same positions
FIX: depot search could crash game when pressed twice very fast