06-03-2007, Tuesday-22:56:10
pak128 Version 1.4.2 preview für Simutrans Version 99.09.x
simubase128-1-4-2.tar.bz2 17,1 Mb
* Compatible Simutrans version: .99.09
* Added Secession Chapel and Old Tower curiosity buildings from Gelion
* Added city buildings from Gelion
* Added residental buildings and hotel from Rmax (prepared by VS)
* Added house from shunter (prepared by VS)
* Added new signals from Fabio
* Corrected white stalk for empty Aveco Eurocargo
simubase128-1-4-2.tar.bz2 17,1 Mb
* Compatible Simutrans version: .99.09
* Added Secession Chapel and Old Tower curiosity buildings from Gelion
* Added city buildings from Gelion
* Added residental buildings and hotel from Rmax (prepared by VS)
* Added house from shunter (prepared by VS)
* Added new signals from Fabio
* Corrected white stalk for empty Aveco Eurocargo