08-06-2009, Monday-15:55:19
Schau, die Leute die Talent zum Zeichnen haben, haben oft auch eigene Ideen was sie zeichenen wollen. Ohne zusätzlichen Anreiz wird selten jemand für Dich Fahrzeuge zeichenen wollen. Du musst Die Leute für Deine Idee begeistern, dann werden sich auch Helfer finden.
See, the people who are talented painters usually also have ideas of their own what they want to paint. Without incentives they seldom will be willing to paint for you. You need to enthuse people for your ideas, then you have a bigger chance to find helpers.
See, the people who are talented painters usually also have ideas of their own what they want to paint. Without incentives they seldom will be willing to paint for you. You need to enthuse people for your ideas, then you have a bigger chance to find helpers.
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