23-08-2012, Thursday-21:03:17
Mit diesen Einstellungen habe ich moderate Wälder:
# Number of trees on square 2 - minimal usable, 3 good, 4 very nice looking
max_no_of_trees_on_square = 3
# Base forest size - minimal size of forest - map independent
forest_base_size = 36
# Map size divisor - smaller it is the larger are individual forests
forest_map_size_divisor = 60
# Forest count divisor - smaller it is, the more forest are generated
forest_count_divisor = 32
# Determins how dense are spare trees going to be planted (works inversly)
forest_inverse_spare_tree_density = 400
# climate with trees entirely (1: water, 2:desert, 4:tropic, 8:mediterran, 16:temperate, 32:tundra, 64:rocky, 128:arctic)
# zero (default) means no climate with at least one tree per tile
tree_climates = 4
# climates with no trees at all (desert and arctic at the moment)
no_tree_climates = 130