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#################################program stuff##################################

# maximum number of position tested during a way search
# 100000 should be ok even for large maps with ships
# 10000 is ok for everything else (consumes 16*x Bytes main memory, no further harm)
max_route_steps = 1000000

# size of catchment area of a station (default 2)
# older game size was 3
# savegames with another catch area will give strange results
station_coverage = 2

# Max number of steps in goods pathfinding
# This should be equal or greater than the biggest group
# of interconnected stations in your game.
# If you set it too low, some goods might not find a route
# if the route is too complex. If you set it too high, the
# search will take a lot of CPU power, particularly if searches
# often fail because there is no route.
# Depending on your CPU power, you might want to limit the search
# depth.
# prissi: On a 512x512 map with more than 150000 people daily, the saturation
# value for "no route" was higher, around 8000. Using 300 instead almost doubled
# the value of "no route"
max_hops = 2000

# Passengers and goods will change vehicles at most "max_transfer"
# times to reach their destination.
# It seems that in good networks, the number of transfers is below
# 5. I think 6 is a good compromise that allows complex networks but
# cuts off the more extreme cases
# You can set this lower to save a little bit of CPU time, but at some
# point this means you'll get less passengers to transport
# This value is less critical than "max_hops" from above.
# T. Kubes: I would say 8 for now, but this definitely should be difficulty
# dependent setting.
max_transfers = 9

# way builder internal weights (defaults)
# a higher weight make it more unlikely
# make the curves negative, and the waybuilder will built strange tracks ...

###############################passenger stuff##############################
# also pak dependent

# town growth multiplier factors (electricity is not used at the moment)
# A higher factor mean faster growth
# passenger_multiplier = 40
mail_multiplier = 20
goods_multiplier = 20
electricity_multiplier = 0

# town growth is size dependent. There are three different sizes (<1000, 1000-10000, >10000)
# the idea is, that area increase by square but growth is linear
growthfactor_villages = 400
growthfactor_cities = 200
growthfactor_capitals = 100

# passenger generation (default is 16) Smaller values means less passengers

# amount of passengers that travel from/to factories or attractions
# the remaining percentage is intercity and intracity travel
factory_worker_percentage = 33
tourist_percentage = 16

# how much local destinations are preferred over time
# 1 means almost local passengers/mail only, 10000 spreads them over the map
# You can have up to ten entries, first is the year, next is the factor.
# The increase between the year will increase first slow then fast towards
# the final years

# A factory will be added as worker's destination to a town, if it has either
# is within factory_worker_radius
# or has less than factory_worker_minimum_towns next cities added
# and has not more than factory_worker_maximum_towns added
# The default settings connect to maximum four cities with 77 tiles radius; or at least to the closest one
# Setting factory_worker_maximum_towns to zero will not connect factories to towns
factory_worker_radius = 77
factory_worker_minimum_towns = 1
factory_worker_maximum_towns = 4

# if enabled (default = 0 off) stops may have different capacities for passengers, mail, and  freight
separate_halt_capacities = 0

# three modes (default = 0)
# 1: the payment is only relative to the distance to next interchange, 2 to the trips destination (default 0 is distance since last stop)
pay_for_total_distance = 0

# things to overcrowded destinations won't load if active (default off)
avoid_overcrowding = 0

# do not create goods/passenger/mail when the only route is over an overcrowded stop
no_routing_over_overcrowded = 0

# in beginner mode, all good prices are multiplied by a factor (default 1500=1.5)
beginner_price_factor = 1500

##################################factory stuff#################################

# when a city reaches 2^n times of this number
# then a factory is extended, or a new factory chain is spawned
#industry_increase_every = 2000

# smallest distance between two adjacent factories
min_factory_spacing = 6

# max distance for connected factories
# if percentage>0, it will be in percent of the largest map dimension
# percentage also overrides the absolute value
max_factory_spacing_percentage = 25
#max_factory_spacing = 40

# allow all possible supplier to connect to your factories?
# best to leave it in default position. (only on for simuTTD)
crossconnect_factories = 0

# how big is the chance for crossconnections in percent
# (100% will give nearly the same results as crossconnect_factories=1)
crossconnect_factories_percentage = 33

# how much is the total electric power available (in relation to total production) in parts per thousand
electric_promille = 330

# true if transformers are allowed underground (default)
allow_underground_transformers = 1

# with this switch on (default), overcrowded factories will not receive goods any more
just_in_time = 1

# how much amount in transport is sent before further distribution stops
# This is only enabled when "just_in_time" is enabled
# The limit is given in percent of factory storage (0=off)
# It should be not too low to allow big convoys fully loaded at more than one
# factory (for medium sized maps 500 seems a reasonable number)
maximum_intransit_percentage = 0

# use beginner mode for new maps (can be switched anyway on the new map dialog)
first_beginner = 0

# number of periods for averaging the amount of arrived pax/mail at factories for boost calculation
# one period represents a fixed interval of 2^18 ms in-game time
# value can range from 1 to 16, inclusive; 1 means no averaging; default is 4
factory_arrival_periods = 4

# whether factory's pax/mail demands are enforced or not; default is on
factory_enforce_demand = 1

##################################display stuff#################################

# if defined, the default tool will try to calculate straight ways (like OpenTTD)
straight_way_without_control = 0

# player color can be fixed for several players or set totally random
# in the latter case each player will get unique but random coloring
# (default 0)
random_player_colors = 0

# when set here, the player will always get these player colors, even
# if random colors were enabled.
# color values range from 0 to 27 for first and second player color
# and there are 0...15 player in the game
player_color[1] = 1,4

# remove companies without convoys after x month (0=off, 6=default)
remove_dummy_player_months = 6

# remove password of abandoned companies (without any building activity) after x month (0=off default)
unprotect_abandoned_player_months = 0

# how long is a diagonal (512: factor 2=1024/512, old way, 724: sqrt(2)=1024/724
#diagonal_multiplier = 724

# how height is a tile in z-direction (default 16, TTD 8)
#tile_height = 16

# new height for old slopes when old single height savegame loaded with double height pak (default 1=single height, 2=double height)
#height_conversion_factor = 1

# (=1) drive on the left side of the road
drive_left = 0

# (=1) signals on the left side
signals_on_left = 0

# Do you want to have random pedestrians in town? Look nice but needs some
# CPU time to process them. (1=on, 0=off)
# Impact on frame time: ~10% (16 cities on a new standard map)
random_pedestrians = 1

# Do you want to have random pedestrians after pax are reaching this
# destination? May generate quite a lot. (1=on, 0=off)
stop_pedestrians = 1

# there are some other grounds (like rocky, lakes etc. )
# which could be added to the map (default 10)
# show random objects to break uniformity (every n suited tiles)
random_grounds_probability = 10

# show random moving animals (n = every n suited tiles, default 1000)
random_wildlife_probability = 1000

# animate the water each interval (if images available)
# costs some time for the additional redraw (~1-3%)
water_animation_ms = 250

# Show info windows for private cars and pedestrians?
# (1=on, 0=off)
pedes_and_car_info = 0

# How much citycars will be generated
citycar_level = 5

# After how many month a citycar breaks (and will be forever gone) ...
# default is ten years
default_citycar_life = 36

# Show info on trees?
# (1=on, 0=off)
tree_info = 1

# Show info also on bare ground?
# (1=on, 0=off)
ground_info = 0

# Show passenger level of townhalls?
# (1=on, 0=off)
townhall_info = 0

# do not show the button to add an inverted schedule for rail based convoys
# (1=hide, 0=show anyway)
hide_rail_return_ticket = 1

# don not show the buttons to delete old savegames (default)
show_delete_buttons = 0

# always open only a single info window for the ground,
# even if there are more objects on this tile
#only_single_info = 1

# show a tooltip on convoys at several conditions
# 0 no messages
# 1 (default) only no_route and stuck
# loading and waiting at signals too
#show_vehicle_states = 1

# show (default) tiles with a halt when editing a schedule
#visualize_schedule = 1

# Should stations get numbered names? (1=yes, 0=no)
#numbered_stations = 0

# Show name signs and statistic?
# 0 = don't show anything
# 1 = station names
# 2 = statistics
# 3 = names and statistics
# The visual style is added to this number:
#   0 = black name in color box
#   4 = name in player color with outline
#   8 = box left of name in yellow outline
show_names = 3

# Draw the earth slope to mark the border (default 1 on)
draw_earth_border = 1

# Tile the outside with the ground.ouside.pak (default 0 off)
draw_outside_tile = 0

# Color of background outside the map, default: COL_GREY2 (210)
#background_color = 210

###################################money stuff##################################
# These values are usually set in the pak files
# You can adjust all the cost in the game, that are not inside some pak file

# show graphs old style (right to left, default) or rather left to right
left_to_right_graphs  = 0

# Starting money of the player. Given in Credit cents (1/100 Cr)
#starting_money = 20000000

# New system of year dependent starting money. Up to ten triplets are
# possible. The entries are of the form:
# startingmoney[i]=year,money(in 1/10 credits),interpolate (1) or step(0)
# starting_money[0]=1930,20000000,1
# starting_money[1]=2030,35000000,1

# allow buying obsolete vehicles (=1) in depot
allow_buying_obsolete_vehicles = 1

# vehicle can loose a part of their value, when the are once used
# the loss is given in 1/1000th, i.e 300 mean the value will be 70%
used_vehicle_reduction = 0

# lowest possible income with speedbonus (1000=1) default 125 (=1/8th)
bonus_basefactor = 125

# if a convoy runs on a way that belongs to another player, toll may
# be charged. The number given is the percentage of the running cost
# of the convoy or the way cost (include electrification if needed).
# (default 0)
toll_runningcost_percentage = 0
toll_waycost_percentage = 0

# Maintenance costs of buildings
#maintenance_building = 2000

# first stops: the actual cost is (cost*level*width*height)

# cost for depots

# other way related stuff

# other construction/destruction stuff

###################################other stuff##################################
# also pak dependent

# minimum distance between two townhalls
#minimum_city_distance = 16

# Minimum distance of a city attraction to other special buildings
#special_building_distance = 3

# Max. length of initial intercity road connections
# If you want to speed up map creation, lower this value.
# If you want more initial intercity roads, raise this value.
# If the value is too large then very long bridges might be created.
# 200 seems to be a good compromise between speed and road number
# note: this will slow down map creation dramatically!
#intercity_road_length = 200

# Type of intercity roads - must be available as PAK file.
# Intercityroad with timeline: intercity_road[number]=name,intro-year,retire-year
# .. number = 0..9 - up to ten different intercity_roads possible
# .. name = name of an existing pak file
#intercity_road[0] = asphalt_road,0,1990
# default: city_road
# (old, 102.2.2 and before) intercity_road_type = asphalt_road

# Type of city roads - must be available as PAK file.
# Cityroad with timeline: city_road[number]=name,intro-year,retire-year
# .. number = 0..9 - up to ten different city_roads possible
# .. name = name of an existing pak file
#city_road[0] = dirt_road,1920,1940
# default: asphalt_road
# (old, 102.2.2 and before) city_road_type = city_road

# now river stuff
# first river type (should be defined in pak dependent file)
# The highest number is the smallest. A river with max_speed==0 is not navigatable by ships.
#river_type[0] = river
#river_type[1] = small_river
#river_type[2] = just_the source

# river number (16 gives a few nicely branched rivers)
#river_number = 16

# min length
#river_min_length = 16

# max length
#river_max_length = 320

################################# forest stuff #################################
#  please be careful in changing them, I spent lot of time finding optimals.
#  those values have impact on no. of spawned trees -> memory consumption
# Number of trees on square 2 - minimal usable, 3 good, 4 very nice looking
max_no_of_trees_on_square = 3

# Base forest size - minimal size of forest - map independent
forest_base_size = 36

# Map size divisor - smaller it is the larger are individual forests
forest_map_size_divisor = 38

# Forest count divisor - smaller it is, the more forest are generated
forest_count_divisor = 16

# Determines how dense are spare trees going to be planted (works inversely)
forest_inverse_spare_tree_density = 400

# climate with trees entirely (1: water, 2:desert, 4:tropic, 8:mediterranean, 16:temperate, 32:tundra, 64:rocky, 128:arctic)
# zero (default) means no climate with at least one tree per tile
tree_climates = 4

# climates with no trees at all (desert and arctic at the moment)
no_tree_climates = 130

# if set, no trees will be created at all (save about 30% memory and
# the season change will be much smoother on small machines)
#no_tree = 0

###################################time stuff###################################

# Enforce vehicle introduction dates?
# 0 = all vehicles available from start of the game
# 1 = use introduction dates
# 2 = (default) use settings during game creation, new games off
# 3 = use settings during game creation, new games on
use_timeline = 3

# Starting year of the game:
# Setting it below 1850 is not recommended for 64 set!
# You will have problems with missing vehicles, do not complain if you do so!
# Setting it above 2050 will render game bit boring - no new vehicles.
# other recommended value for 64 is 1956
starting_year = 1930

# Starting month of the game for people who want to start in summer (default 1=January)
starting_month = 1

# Should month be shown in date?
# 0=no, 1=yes
# 2>=show day in japan format=2, us format=3, german=4
# 5>=show no season but everything else in japan format=5, us format=5, german=6
# This is most useful, if you use longer months than the default length (see below)
#show_month = 1

# Global time multiplier (will be save with new games)
# 2^bits_per_month = duration of a game month in microseconds real time
# default before 99.x was 18. For example, 21 will make the month 2^3=8 times longer in real time
# production and maintenance cost will be adjusted accordingly.
bits_per_month = 20

#################################system stuff#################################

# compress savegames?
# "binary" means uncompressed, "zipped" means compressed
# "bzip2" uses another compression algorithm
# other options are "xml", "xml_zipped" and "xml_bzip2"
# xml detects more errors of broken savegames but files are much larger
# bzip2 savegames are smaller than zipped but saving/loading takes longer
saveformat = bzip2

# Alternate format for faster autosaves
autosaveformat = bzip2

# autosave every x months (0=off)
autosave = 3

# display (screen/window) width
# also see readme.txt, -screensize option
#display_width  = 704

# display (screen/window) height
# also see readme.txt, -screensize option
#display_height = 560

# show full screen
#fullscreen = 0

# How many frames per second to use? Display may look pretty until 10 or so
# (depends very much on computer, game complexity and graphics driver)
frames_per_second = 25

# during zooming out simutrans may get slow due to the very high number
# of tiles visible. If the tiles become equal or smaller than the tile size
# below, a simpler clipping algorithm will be used, which will give some
# clipping errors, but is faster. (default size = 4)
# However, during normal gaming this will be determined automatically, so you
# usually you do not need to set this manually.
simple_drawing_tile_size = 4

# you can force fast redraw for fast forward by this (default off)
simple_drawing_fast_forward = 1

# How much faster should the game proceed with fast forward (limited by your computer and size of the map)
fast_forward = 50

# How many threads to use (default 4)
#threads = 4

###################################network stuff##############################
# Synchronized networking is always a trade off between fast response and safe
# connections. A more relaxed timing will cause delay of commands but is more
# likely to compensate for clients running slightly faster than the rest.

# Sets the local addresses Simutrans should listen on and use for making outgoing connections
# By default it will use all local IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
# This setting has no effect if Simutrans has been compiled with the USE_IP4_ONLY flag set!
# The addresses listed will be tried in the order specified
# A DNS name may be specified, this will be resolved and Simutrans will attempt to listen
# on all of the addresses returned.
#listen = ::,

# How much delay before commands are executed on the clients.
# A larger number will catch even clients running slightly ahead but cause delay.
# This is set by the server side.
server_frames_ahead = 8

# How much extra delay in command execution on the client side, on top of server_frames_ahead.
# A larger number can compensate for larger fluctuations in communication latency.
# This is set by the client side.
#additional_client_frames_behind = 0

# In network mode, there will be a fixed number of screen updates before a step.
# Reasonable values should result in 2-5 steps per second.
server_frames_per_step = 4

# The server sends after a fixed number of steps some information to the clients.
# Large values here means: reduced server communication (if that is of importance...)
# Small values should improve the timing of the clients.
server_frames_between_checks = 256

# Automatically announce server on the central server directory (
# 0 (default) = off, 1 = on
server_announce = 0

# Interval of server announcement (if enabled)
# Value is number of seconds between server announcements, default is 900 (15 minutes)
# Minimum value is 60 (1 minute), for accurate listing it is recommended not to increase
# this value to greater than 3600 (1 hour)
# To disable announcements set server_announce to 0
server_announce_interval = 900

# Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address of your server (IPv6 or IPv4)
server_dns =

# Name of server in server listing
server_name = PAK192.COMIC

# Additional information about your server (for display on the list server)
#server_comments = Comments about my server

# Email address of server maintainer (for display on the list server)
server_email =

# Pakset download URL (for display on the list server)
server_pakurl =

# Server info URL (for display on the list server)
#server_infurl = http://your.domain/server-info.html

# Pause server when no clients are connected
pause_server_no_clients = 1

# Nickname when joining network games
#nickname = John Doe

# Chat window transparency (0=off, 25, 50 75 are possible)
chat_transparency = 0

# Here you can add a message about your server (It will read this file on each joining anew)
#server_motd_file =
Ex-Entwickler und Gründer des pak192.comic, Betreiber von Simutrans Hosting

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Disconnect nach nur 1 Minute - von Cruzer - 08-02-2014, Saturday-19:52:32
[Kein Betreff] - von whoami - 08-02-2014, Saturday-21:13:32
[Kein Betreff] - von Dwachs - 08-02-2014, Saturday-21:16:49
[Kein Betreff] - von Cruzer - 08-02-2014, Saturday-21:17:34
[Kein Betreff] - von Cruzer - 08-02-2014, Saturday-21:22:15
[Kein Betreff] - von Cruzer - 08-02-2014, Saturday-22:50:24
[Kein Betreff] - von The Transporter - 08-02-2014, Saturday-22:57:37
[Kein Betreff] - von prissi - 09-02-2014, Sunday-01:07:32
[Kein Betreff] - von Dwachs - 09-02-2014, Sunday-18:07:09
[Kein Betreff] - von Cruzer - 09-02-2014, Sunday-21:25:01

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