04-07-2016, Monday-17:54:36
hi All I have painted those graphics for Turkish Airlines A320 and British Airways A380 but I don't know how to code them into paks for pak 192 ? can someone tell me how ? thank you

Coding airline graphics
04-07-2016, Monday-17:54:36
hi All I have painted those graphics for Turkish Airlines A320 and British Airways A380 but I don't know how to code them into paks for pak 192 ? can someone tell me how ? thank you
04-07-2016, Monday-20:49:12
You need the graphics and for each object a file with parameters. Size of single graphics should conform to your pakset. In your first graphic every single graphic has a size of 256x256 pixels, but i didn´t know any pak256***. Second graphic you can use directly for pak192...comic for example.
Create the .dat file: Generally information for dat-file-parameters you can find at http://simutrans-germany.com/wiki/wiki/en_dat_Files. Here an example (not tested) , if your second graphic named A320.png you can copy the parameters into a text-file with extension .dat, maybe a320turkish.dat. Specific parameters for your vehicle you should change to the values of the A320, here are power, wight.... from a Boeing(?). Code: #next line the program need for every vehicle Lines started with # are only comments, you can delete them. Now you have your grahics and your dat-file. To compile them for the game, you need the program makeobj: https://sourceforge.net/projects/simutra...s/makeobj/. Easy way to compile: Copy your .png and the .dat in the same folder, like makeobj. Start a command-line. Change to your makeobj-folder. Enter makeobj <paksetname>, i´d never created objects for pak192.comic, but makeobj pak192.comic should work (or without point?). Makeobj should compile all files found in your makeobj-folder. Copy the created .pak-file(s) in your pakset-folder in simutrans-directory and start the game. School is out since over 30years, hard to write in english ![]()
04-07-2016, Monday-21:04:27
Thank you for your instructions
![]() ![]()
04-07-2016, Monday-21:13:14
Only complicated at the first times
![]() Maybe helpful: For pak192.comic so far as I know outside of this forum doesn´t exist a central source-location. But for pak128 you can find it on https://github.com/simutrans/pak128. There you can find the .dat-files for many objects and associated graphics. Great to look how it works and you can copy the .dats and change it for your own objects.
04-07-2016, Monday-22:50:45
dear sir I have the PNG and DAT file but the makeobj tool is not functioning . could you help me please what to do ? I thank you
04-07-2016, Monday-23:41:53
hi I am following the instructions but the file created is just 1KB size so something wrong . how can I fix that ? Thank you
05-07-2016, Tuesday-07:56:37
I smell repaints of A350-1000's work. As such, it's probably best to ask the original creator for the original dat files, since the specification should be the same and only name/image is different.
Pumuckl999,'index.php?page=Thread&postID=111409#post111409' schrieb:You need the graphics and for each object a file with parameters. Size of single graphics should conform to your pakset. In your first graphic every single graphic has a size of 256x256 pixels, but i didn´t know any pak256***.You can use any graphic of any size in any pakset, you just have to pak it as eg. pak256 in makeobj (no need to specify the pakset, makeobj only cares about tile size) - however, objects that are not the right size won't be centered on the tile, thus one needs to specify an offset... and that's where it becomes a bit more complicated then a beginner should deal with first time-
05-07-2016, Tuesday-09:48:00
hi First of all Thank you so much for your kind help
06-07-2016, Wednesday-09:01:23
Dear I want to kindly ask what I should write as per attached photo in order to get correct pak file ? Thank you
06-07-2016, Wednesday-10:39:08
"makeobj pak192" for the smaller plane and "makeobj pak256" for the bigger plane. Furthermore, check if all image references in the dat file refer to "TurkishA320" since that's the name of the png.