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Coding airline graphics
thank you so much for your big help I will try that Smile
hi I am running the cmd and putting makeobj.exe as command then putting makeobj pak192.comic but all what I am getting is a 1KB pak file and I placed the DAT file and the PNG file with the makeobj tool in the makeobj folder . how I can resolve this ? what I should write and do to get a right pak file ? Thank you for advance help Smile
you should type

makeobj pakname datname or in your case
makeobj pak192 pakname datname

pakname is the name of your pak, for example vehicle.myplane.pak
datname is the name of your datfile, for example myplane.dat

makeobj reads the graphics file specified in your datfile, so make sure the name is correct and the graphic file is in the same directory (otherwise you have to specify the correct path to the file).

If everything works, you'll get a message like:

Makeobj version 53 for Simutrans 111.2 and higher
© 2002-2006 V. Meyer, Hj. Malthaner, M. Pristovsek (

writing file vehicle.myplane.pak
reading file myplane.dat

name in means the name you have set in your datfile for your vehicle.

Otherwise you should get an error message.

I take a new folder with makeobj.exe (from here
and a sub-folder (named by object-name) (folder.jpg)

in my sub-folder I take
- the *.dat file with all informations (files.jpg)
- the image-file with all images
- and a pak.bat file to make the *.pak file

It works fine! (result.jpg)

Angehängte Dateien Thumbnail(s)
Fatal ist, wenn sich das Licht am Ende des Tunnels als entgegenkommender ICE erweist.
Thank you so much for help Smile I will try that
please how can I get the pak192.bat file ? is there link to get it ? Thank you Smile
The pak192.bat file is a simple (text) file.
You make it with a (simple) text-editor like nodepad.exe

save as *.* then named pak192.bat (files_2.jpg)

this *.bat file located in the sub-folder (files_1.jpg)

NOT AS *.txt file

content of file:

..\makeobj PAK192 >make.txt

The "make.txt" is only to check whether everything is working properly (files_3.jpg)

Angehängte Dateien Thumbnail(s)
Fatal ist, wenn sich das Licht am Ende des Tunnels als entgegenkommender ICE erweist.
Ok, I tested one of your images with an old datfile from another pakset, just changed the graphic lines and it works fine for me. I used an old makeobj version and tested it with simutrans112, not sure it will work with simutrans120.

Here are the files, so you may have a look:

$ makeobj pak192 vehicle.testflugzeug.pak testflugzeug.dat
Makeobj version 55b for Simutrans 112.1 and higher

Makeobj version 55b for Simutrans 112.1 and higher

(c) 2002-2012 V. Meyer, Hj. Malthaner, M. Pristovsek & Simutrans development team

Image size is set to 192x192
writing file vehicle.testflugzeug.pak
   reading file testflugzeug.dat
      packing vehicle.Turkish A320

Angehängte Dateien
.dat   testflugzeug.dat (Größe: 557 Bytes / Downloads: 567)
.pak   vehicle.testflugzeug.pak (Größe: 52,95 KB / Downloads: 549)
Hi those are my files that I zipped them . Please can you check what is wrong in them and what is missing since I wrote makeobj pak192 vehicle.Turkish A320.pak Turkish A320.dat but I just got 1 KB file and sure I included the makeobj tool. Please can you help me with that and really sorry for bothering you.
hi here is the file

Angehängte Dateien
.zip (Größe: 79,46 KB / Downloads: 530)

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