04-05-2005, Wednesday-12:02:06
Die 86.02 hat hauptsächlich Bugfixes. Intern wurde aber das Fabriksystem umgestellt: Fabriken produzieren jetzt nicht mehr pro Kätchen, sondern pro Fabrik. Das hat den großen Unterschied, das zukünftige Produktionszahlen feiner abgestimmt werden. Der Nachteil ist, dass dies in den Basisdateien korrekt vermerkt werden muss, was beonders Nutzer des 128 pak beachten sollten. Alte Basisdateien sollten allerdings korrekt funktionieren, gleiches gilt für gespeicherte Spiele älterer Versionen. (Das die Passagierlevel bei den Fabriken nun alle etwas niedrieger sind, hat eigentlich kaum Auswirkungen, da in dieser Version das Passagierlevel auch wie bei den Ausflugszielen eine Art Wahrscheinlichkeit darstellt, einen Passagier zu dieser Fabrik zu bekommen.)
Alle Dateien für das 64-pak
Texte und Config für die Benutzer anderer Paks
Simuwin 86-02
Simulinux 86-02
Änderungen im Detail:
Release of 86.02
01-May-2005 (prissi)
FIX: error when loading UTF8 citylists fixed
FIX: rebuild destinations, when convoi was removed by x => no more stale freight waiting
FIX: when convoi self_detructs, its value is booked back to the owner
FIX: when station already is already destination => just happy
ADD: vitus new pedestrians to 64-pak
CHANGE: oilfield to Ravens oilfied
24-Apr-2005 (prissi)
FIX: no route found, when factory was to close
FIX: crashes, if deliverey with unknown route?!?
20-Apr-2005 (prissi)
FIX: ware could not unload at a dock => internal connect calculation no with halt basis_pos
FIX: again detailed information from public stops
CHANGE: allow more than one row in the tools
CHANGE: color indicator on simloops and FPS
CHANGE: random pedestrian now switch off also in dialog (6LIGHT_CHOOSE), 7WORLD_CHOOSE removed (identical)
CHANGE: year now also updated in city chart
FIX: UNDO repaired
FIX/CHANGE: factory production from dat-files is now per whole factory and independent of the load of simutrans
FIX/CHANGE: distribution now when more than 10 produced (instead 32)
FIX: makeobj always appended a cursor and a symbol, even if none defined.
CHANGE: factory list to vector_tpl, halt_list of grund_t now on demand -> should save lots of memory
Alle Dateien für das 64-pak
Texte und Config für die Benutzer anderer Paks
Simuwin 86-02
Simulinux 86-02
Änderungen im Detail:
Release of 86.02
01-May-2005 (prissi)
FIX: error when loading UTF8 citylists fixed
FIX: rebuild destinations, when convoi was removed by x => no more stale freight waiting
FIX: when convoi self_detructs, its value is booked back to the owner
FIX: when station already is already destination => just happy
ADD: vitus new pedestrians to 64-pak
CHANGE: oilfield to Ravens oilfied
24-Apr-2005 (prissi)
FIX: no route found, when factory was to close
FIX: crashes, if deliverey with unknown route?!?
20-Apr-2005 (prissi)
FIX: ware could not unload at a dock => internal connect calculation no with halt basis_pos
FIX: again detailed information from public stops
CHANGE: allow more than one row in the tools
CHANGE: color indicator on simloops and FPS
CHANGE: random pedestrian now switch off also in dialog (6LIGHT_CHOOSE), 7WORLD_CHOOSE removed (identical)
CHANGE: year now also updated in city chart
FIX: UNDO repaired
FIX/CHANGE: factory production from dat-files is now per whole factory and independent of the load of simutrans
FIX/CHANGE: distribution now when more than 10 produced (instead 32)
FIX: makeobj always appended a cursor and a symbol, even if none defined.
CHANGE: factory list to vector_tpl, halt_list of grund_t now on demand -> should save lots of memory