29-08-2005, Monday-00:45:01
Eine Kleinigkeiten ausgebügelt und die GDI-Version weiter verbessert und beschleunigt. Größte Änderung fürs Spiel: crossconnect_factories=1 in der simuconf.tab und alle Fabriken sind mit allen verbunden. Außerdem Werkzeugleisten für Straße/Schiene neu angeordnet.
Neue Programme
Windows GDI (neu) kein sound, kein MIDI
Windows SDL (neu) sound und MIDI evt. langsamer auf manchen Computern
Linux (neu)
Basis Pak64
64pak Version 86.07
Japan Pak64
German Pak64
Basis Pak128
128 pak Version 1.2 (ab 86.03.2, braucht menu.edittools.pak)
erweiterte 128er Hangneigungen
Änderungen im Detail:
Known bugs: (hard to fix)
Citycars are visible after loading even in a tunnel until the hop onto the next field
Citycars cannot go around a 180 degree road bend
Monorails have no appropriate crossing
Release of 86.07.2
28-Jul-2005 (prissi)
FIX: cursor alignment with 128
FIX: no money making by open schedule window during loading in a station
FIX: message list now displays all messages again
FIX: divers errors around the GDI display routines and further speed up
25-Jul-2005 (prissi)
FIX: again correct train types for newer paks
FIX: error during loading was using evt. unitialized minimap
CHANGE: order in railtools and tramstools roughly similar
CHANGE: background for tunnel graphics (was returning always foreground)
CHANGE: AI will always keep cityroads
FIX: roads under harbour deleted
FIX: AI now users better calculation of income (before always the farest factory won)
CHANGE: zeiger now drawn on to of everything
CHANGE: allow to crossconnect all factories (via crossconnect_factories=1 in conf/simuconf.tab)
FIX: factories initiated more than one smoker instance during loading (could break savegames)
FIX: cars and trains now really vanish in tunnels (more or less)
CHANGE: wrote extremly simple direct copy in Windows-GDI. Seems 2x faster than SDL and the debugger works a little, yeah!!!
Neue Programme
Windows GDI (neu) kein sound, kein MIDI
Windows SDL (neu) sound und MIDI evt. langsamer auf manchen Computern
Linux (neu)
Basis Pak64
64pak Version 86.07
Japan Pak64
German Pak64
Basis Pak128
128 pak Version 1.2 (ab 86.03.2, braucht menu.edittools.pak)
erweiterte 128er Hangneigungen
Änderungen im Detail:
Known bugs: (hard to fix)
Citycars are visible after loading even in a tunnel until the hop onto the next field
Citycars cannot go around a 180 degree road bend
Monorails have no appropriate crossing
Release of 86.07.2
28-Jul-2005 (prissi)
FIX: cursor alignment with 128
FIX: no money making by open schedule window during loading in a station
FIX: message list now displays all messages again
FIX: divers errors around the GDI display routines and further speed up
25-Jul-2005 (prissi)
FIX: again correct train types for newer paks
FIX: error during loading was using evt. unitialized minimap
CHANGE: order in railtools and tramstools roughly similar
CHANGE: background for tunnel graphics (was returning always foreground)
CHANGE: AI will always keep cityroads
FIX: roads under harbour deleted
FIX: AI now users better calculation of income (before always the farest factory won)
CHANGE: zeiger now drawn on to of everything
CHANGE: allow to crossconnect all factories (via crossconnect_factories=1 in conf/simuconf.tab)
FIX: factories initiated more than one smoker instance during loading (could break savegames)
FIX: cars and trains now really vanish in tunnels (more or less)
CHANGE: wrote extremly simple direct copy in Windows-GDI. Seems 2x faster than SDL and the debugger works a little, yeah!!!