15-09-2005, Thursday-23:54:00
Neben vielen kleinen Detailverbesserungen und eher nicht so deutschen Anwendern betreffenden Sachen wie dem Linksverkehr, gibt es doch ein paar entscheidene Änderungen:
- Neue Dingliste => Laden vielfach schneller, weniger Zeichenfehler mit Straßenbahn.
- Laden von 128 games im 64 oder german und laden von german in 64er kann nun öfters funktionieren
- Fahrezuge blockieren jetzt auch auf Diagonalen
- Citycars fahren nicht mehr in Sackgassen bis zum Ende
- Neues Menü für Erdarbeiten einschließlich renaturierung. Achtung: teuer!
- Neue Gebäude von moistboy (pak64)
- verbesserte/erweiterete Übersetzung für Basis und pak64
Neue Programme
Windows GDI (neu) (Benutzer von Win98/Me brauchen noch unicows.dll!)
Windows SDL (neu)
Linux (neu)
Basis Pak64
64pak Version 86.09 (neu)
Japan Pak64
German Pak64
Basis Pak128
128 pak Version 1.2
Die neuen Menüs sehen besser mit den neuen paks aus: für 128
Im Detail:
Release of 86.09
13-Sep-2005 (prissi)
ADD: Additional tool "natural slope"
CHANGE: changing terrain becomes much more expensive (so use bridges and tunnels more often)
FIX: some more drawing errors with slope fixed
CHANGE: more equal distribution of tools in a toolbar
CHANGE: citycars will no turn into a dead end (check 2 tiles ahead)
FIX: again pedestrians (was broken since 86.07)
CHANGE: new setting in simuconf.tab: "drive_left" will offset all citycars, trucks, roadsigns, ... to the other side of the road (there will be still some clipping errors)
CHANGE: artifical slopes now includes the natural ones
ADD: Isaac new roadsigns
ADD: cityroad configurable "city_road_type" in simuconf.tab
FIX: cars now also wait on diagonals
CHANGE: new vehicle-sorter, thus trams look a little better and it know about left side driving
11-Sep-2005 (prissi)
FIX: cursor keys with SDL working again
FIX: remove obsolete keywords from translations, also small font will be ignored
FIX: en.tab and de.tab for finances/map legend
ADD: Some buildings from Moistboy and de/en translation texts
ADD: road inside city limits will get a sidewalk after some time
ADD: "Total inhabitants:" to citylist which shows the number of total inhabitants
CHANGE: made dinglist to maximum size 255, and single objects are stored directly => much faster loading, saved another 2 bytes per tile and 32 byte per emtpy tile/one object tile
CHANGE: removed fundament type from ding-types => 56 bytes less per building
FIX: Some more error checking, when loading ways => can cope with unknow ways
- Neue Dingliste => Laden vielfach schneller, weniger Zeichenfehler mit Straßenbahn.
- Laden von 128 games im 64 oder german und laden von german in 64er kann nun öfters funktionieren
- Fahrezuge blockieren jetzt auch auf Diagonalen
- Citycars fahren nicht mehr in Sackgassen bis zum Ende
- Neues Menü für Erdarbeiten einschließlich renaturierung. Achtung: teuer!
- Neue Gebäude von moistboy (pak64)
- verbesserte/erweiterete Übersetzung für Basis und pak64
Neue Programme
Windows GDI (neu) (Benutzer von Win98/Me brauchen noch unicows.dll!)
Windows SDL (neu)
Linux (neu)
Basis Pak64
64pak Version 86.09 (neu)
Japan Pak64
German Pak64
Basis Pak128
128 pak Version 1.2
Die neuen Menüs sehen besser mit den neuen paks aus: für 128
Im Detail:
Release of 86.09
13-Sep-2005 (prissi)
ADD: Additional tool "natural slope"
CHANGE: changing terrain becomes much more expensive (so use bridges and tunnels more often)
FIX: some more drawing errors with slope fixed
CHANGE: more equal distribution of tools in a toolbar
CHANGE: citycars will no turn into a dead end (check 2 tiles ahead)
FIX: again pedestrians (was broken since 86.07)
CHANGE: new setting in simuconf.tab: "drive_left" will offset all citycars, trucks, roadsigns, ... to the other side of the road (there will be still some clipping errors)
CHANGE: artifical slopes now includes the natural ones
ADD: Isaac new roadsigns
ADD: cityroad configurable "city_road_type" in simuconf.tab
FIX: cars now also wait on diagonals
CHANGE: new vehicle-sorter, thus trams look a little better and it know about left side driving
11-Sep-2005 (prissi)
FIX: cursor keys with SDL working again
FIX: remove obsolete keywords from translations, also small font will be ignored
FIX: en.tab and de.tab for finances/map legend
ADD: Some buildings from Moistboy and de/en translation texts
ADD: road inside city limits will get a sidewalk after some time
ADD: "Total inhabitants:" to citylist which shows the number of total inhabitants
CHANGE: made dinglist to maximum size 255, and single objects are stored directly => much faster loading, saved another 2 bytes per tile and 32 byte per emtpy tile/one object tile
CHANGE: removed fundament type from ding-types => 56 bytes less per building
FIX: Some more error checking, when loading ways => can cope with unknow ways